Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Nonfat sugar- free pie cups

Yes.  This little pie cup has NO sugar.  NO fat added.  and is an AMAZING little treat!  This is literally just a few calories!

I happened to have blueberries from Costco that I had to use pronto !  ( What?  we didn't eat all the blueberries from Costco?) I know right?

I placed the blueberries in a saucepan and added just 1 other ingredient.  Lemon Juice.

NO sugar was needed!! Blueberries have a wonderful flavor already, they DON"T need extra sugar!  and NO splenda needed either!

I watched these blueberries turn beautiful colors. 

THEN. I pulled out leftover egg roll wrappers from my Egg roll wrapper calzones.  I cut them with kitchen sheers into fourths.

(  One Egg roll wrapper is 80 calories. Which means that each one of my blueberry cups will be 20 calories, plus the calories that are in the blueberries) 

I arranged the wrappers into a mini muffin tin.  and added the blueberries.  I added NO oil or butter to the egg roll wrapper.

I baked them at 350 F for 13 minutes.

Look at all this goodness for just a few calories!! ( I think I am starting to sound like the Hungary girl. My new obsession on the food network)

But Really, these were an amazing dessert ( and breakfast)


  1. These look delightful!!! I'll have to try this!

  2. These look so yummy! Perfect way to use blueberries!
    Rebecca @ heronscrafts.blogspot.com


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