Friday, June 8, 2012

Candy Stache

I have noticed that both of Evan's grandpa's enjoy candy now and then.  I have also noticed that both of Evan's grandma's don't like it when Evan's grandpa's have candy in their houses!  

I thought Evan could give his grandpa's a " Candy stache" for Fathers day. 

This is the first time I have done a " Mustache" craft.  honestly, I don't really get why mustaches are so trendy.  Last weekend when my father in law was visiting, Evan wouldn't stop playing with his mustache, so I thought that a mustache gift would be cute ! My dad doesn't have a mustache, but I will just have to explain to him that things with " mustache's are extremely trendy right now.

How to make a Candy " Stache" 
1) Purchase some candy jars.  I found these glass jars in the home good department at Target.

2) Fill the jars with the favorite candy of the recipient.  ( I have noticed that both of Evan's grandpa's like peanut M&M's.

3) Make a gift card that states " Grandpa's stache"  and draw a mustache on it as well.  I used puff paint.  A Sharpie mark we would work well too.

4) With a hole puncher, and ribbon, attach the card to the candy jar.

I think this is a cute little gift.  Dad's are difficult to buy for.  Candy is always a fun gift!


  1. Hi Kristen!

    Thanks for the comment on my site! Glad you found me. Yes, Southern Iowa blogs are few and far between....I love your blog and will be visiting again.

  2. What a great gift idea! I'm sure your father and father-in-law are going to love theirs.

  3. haha, I love this, it would be a perfect little gift for my hubby!

  4. Oh these are just adorable :) I'm going to make one for Dad and Grandpa from my little guy. Thanks so much for sharing your awesome idea!

  5. I love the play on words. Cute, cute!


  6. What a fun idea! Grandpas and daddies would love it! Thanks for sharing!

  7. These are so cute! I love the play on words. I need a jar like this for myself. I host a weekly link party that goes live tonight at 8 EST and I'd love for you to join in.

  8. I think you should get your dad should bring his mustache back!

  9. I think those are really cute! Great idea!

    @ Creatively Living

  10. What a great grandpa gift -- bet they loved it! Thanks so much for sharing on Busy Monday at A Pinch of Joy. Hope to see you again soon!

  11. Just found your blog and I absolutely love looking through the posts. I will definitely have to this as a "just because" gift to my hubby from me and boys. Thanks for the idea!

  12. Cute! My husband has serious sweet tooth and this would be a cute gift for him to take and leave on his desk at work


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