Monday, July 23, 2012

BLT boats!

This is what we had for dinner on Saturday night, my husband and I.   We did not necessarily have this particular meal in mind.  We started out our day at the Farmers Market, which was full of many beautiful dinner possibilities.

This is a photo taken of the Fairfield, Iowa farmers market.  Fairfield, Iowa resides about 20 miles east of our home.  I LOVE Fairfield.  Fairfield is a diverse artistic community, and they have the most amazing food!  Everywhere in the whole town. Organic, healthy and amazing!

I often take " Food field trips " to Fairfield.

We came home with pumpkin blossoms, peach tomatoes, Iowa corn, and locally made goat cheese.  MMM what to make? What to make?

These small gold tomatoes are actually called " Peach tomatoes".  The nice man at the farmers market explained to us that they are much less acidic than regular tomatoes.  I must say, I loved them!

My husband and I decided we wanted to use these in a " BLT" recipe.  I came up with "BLT" boats.

A " BLT" boat is easy to build.  spread a little mayo on a lettuce leaf ( romaine was my lettuce of choice). followed by a piece of bacon. ( we use turkey bacon).  and then load your boat up with tomatoes!

" But Mayo isn't light!"  Okay people,  I can sacrifice bread on a BLT, but don't take away my mayo!  I might just get a little grouchy.

On the side we had " Goat cheese stuffed pumpkin blossoms."  Shortly after arriving home from the farmers market the pumpkin blossoms wilted.  I wonder if I wasn't supposed to put them in the fridge.

I stuffed each blossom with goat cheese.
Tossed them with olive oil.
Sprinkled them with a small amount of whole wheat breadcrumbs.
Baked them at 350 F for about 20 minutes.

I think this was a great alternative to frying them, which was suggested to me when I purchased them.

They were amazing.  This goat cheese we bought was superb.

This was a great dinner.  Although my husband Greg ate a bowl of Cherrios afterwards.  I guess it didn't fill him up.  He still enjoyed the flavors our dinner had to offer.

I have not used the Iowa Corn we purchased at the Farmers market.  Stay tuned.  


  1. Such a simple and wonderful idea! I love BLTs, so definitely going to try this fun with the kids! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Came over from Etcetorize. Love this idea, but I don't eat bacon and my husband doesn't eat tomatoes. So in our house i eat LT's and he eats BL's! Everything at the Farmers market is so good now. Heirloom tomatoes sell out fast here - mostly the restaurants grab all of them. There is plenty of big juicy sweet ones available. I eat at least one a day!

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  3. I agree- bread I can do without, but dont touch my Mayo.. looks yummy

  4. Great idea and it looks so yummy! Totally agree about the just goes! Angie xo

  5. Those tomatoes look delicious!

  6. Super presentation. Great post. I found you via the Tuesday Talent Show from Chef in Training
    I have linked a pizza I did with leftover roast chicken. Have a good week.

  7. This is FABULOUS!!! LOOKS soooo YUMMY!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality!

  8. What a great idea! This would be a great meal when it's so hot you really don't feel like cooking or eating anything! Thank you for sharing at "All my Bloggy Friends" ... I can't wait to see what you share tomorrow!

  9. That sounds incredible. But I think my husband would do liek your husband and have cereal (oh who am I kidding, ICE CREAM) afterward to fill up.
    Your healthy recipies are so inspiring. I think I need to follow your blog :)


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