Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Kurt's Zucchini Sandwich

My blog is named " Make the best of everything".  The slogan at the top of this page states " A blog. Where I show you the things that I make!"

Well folks.  I did not make this zucchini sandwich.

In the midst of all of my " Low Carb" recipes floating around Pinterest, my older brother Kurt made this  scrumptious looking zucchini sandwich. He wanted to join in on all the fun by sharing his weeknight dinner with the world!

I have two wonderful brothers.  An older brother, Kurt ( you know. the creator of that sandwich up there.)  And Brad, my younger brother. ( who is really and excellent chef. I need to get Brad to make something for my blog. You would be impressed)

I grew up in the Chicago suburbs with two brothers.  I migrated out to Iowa with my husband,  but my brothers stayed in the Chicago area.

One big difference between us now, is that they always call their evening meal DINNER and I now, sometimes call it SUPPER

Ok, back the story of the Zucchini sandwich.

My brother Kurt invested in a vegetable co-op this spring.  In return, he receives a box of fresh vegetables every week.  This is cool because Kurt actually lives in the CITY of Chicago ( not to be confused with the 100 or so suburbs) and it can be hard to find fresh produce that is locally grown.

Kurt cut a round zucchini into slices and made a pair of tuna sandwiches for a quick and healthy weeknight dinner.  ( or supper )

He made his tuna salad the way he prefers it and added a fresh tomato slice as well.

This is similar to my cucumber sub, but I actually feel this works out better.  This sandwich is not as hard to " sink your teeth" into as the cucumber sub.

But really Kurt, this was a great contribution to our world.  I am looking forward to making one.  Because all of my readers know, I LOVE zucchini!!


  1. Hi Kristen,
    I just love Kurt's Zucchini Sandwich, it looks like a great Sandwich. Hope you are having a great week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  2. It looks so yummy and healthy at the same time! I am visiting from the happy hours projects linky. I am your newest follower! I blog over at http://www.garagesalesrus.blogspot.com/ hope you will stop by and do the same. I also have an awesome giveaway going on right now with a Cricut Machine! It onlt has hours left on it so hurry and enter!


  3. This is a great idea! And it would make a quick and healthy lunch or snack! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday, and don't forget to come back tomorrow to vote for your favorite recipes!

  4. Great recipe... Love your story too. Thanks for sharing on foodie Friends Friday.


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