Thursday, August 23, 2012

edible baby paint

I'm currently sitting in the Omaha Hilton lobby writing this post.  My baby boy and I had an amazing time at the Omaha Zoo.. But, I should have known it was not a great idea to bring a 9 month old into a hotel atmosphere for 2 days.....  I am pretty sure that my son's screaming woke up are entire floor last night!  Then of course, since we are all staying in the same room.  After he falls asleep we have to just sit in the dark so we won't wake him up.

Well any who,  I wanted to share with you an activity we did with my baby boy last weekend.

Making sure that my son develops skills early on is extremely important to me.  We make sure to read often and to always explain to him how " things work".   But also,  I want him to learn  how to be creative and to express himself.   In addition to introducing music early,we also want him to appreciate art.

Edible paint is a great idea.  My son is at the age where he will put anything in his mouth.  I am always pulling out grass, leaves, cat hair among other little "house fuzzes" out of his mouth.

I found an idea for edible paint Here.

I decided not to cook this paint.  I was making this as a sensory activity. mixing it together only takes a minute.

* One thing to note.  This paint does not work well for artwork you intend on keeping for a long period of time.  This is meant to be a " color" activity for your baby!  If you want something to keep you might want to use real paint, but just make sure they don't eat any of it!

plastic cups or baby jars.
food coloring
flour ( I only had whole wheat flour)

For each color I used:
1/2 cup water
2 large tablespoons of flour
a few drops of food coloring.

Mix all the ingredients together until you get the consistency of paint.

I would recommend  that this activity be taken outside!

I guarantee that every color paint ended up in his mouth!

A masterpiece for sure!  My son is still trying to get the hand of this " creating art" thing.  I will continue to help him develop his skills.


  1. Great idea! To "save" the artwork, take a photo. Who knows, it could show up on Antique Roadshow someday!

  2. My son would love this! Great idea

  3. This is such a cute idea! Definitely going to try this with my baby girl in a month or so. She is 6 1/2 months old right now. :)
    Stopping over from Mix It Up Monday...

  4. I'm so glad that you share all of these experiences with your child! He's going to become a fabulous person because of it :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Super! I'm 54 & want to learn how to paint but needed a way to practice before making an investment in trgular paints!

  6. My little guy would love this! We are doing this soon!

    I'm your newest follower, here from a link-party. I'd love it if you'd stop by my blog and check out my diy ideas!


  7. Great idea. My daughter eats everything so this is the perfect paint for her. I would love it if you would share your post at my Our Favorite Things Link Party. The link is
    Have a great day

  8. What a GREAT idea especially those little hands. Would love for you to share this at my link party. Hope to see you there!


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