Friday, August 31, 2012

Magnet Block Letters

My good friend Hillary's little girl is having a birthday!  Of course I needed to come up with a fun homemade gift idea!  I was going to make her a bunch of pretty hair bows.  I  went shopping at my local ' Super center' to check out the craft department, and ended up making this!

My friend Hillary has extraordinary taste! She can put the cutest outfits together and her home decor always looks amazing!! I wanted to make her daughter something extra special for her birthday.

These are your basic baby blocks that I painted and super glued a magnet to.   This can be used as decor in any children's room, and also used as a fun " learning the alphabet" activity!

DIY Magnet Block Letters!


Purchased at my local " Super center"

* 2 packs of baby blocks
* White board.
* 1 package of magnets

Supplies I already had at home

* Super Glue
* Hot Glue Gun
*Paint Brushes
* Paint

When I purchased these blocks, they looked like this.  But I wanted to make them look cute!

With craft paint, I painted the letters on these blocks with black paint.

Then painted the " borders" of each block with fun girl pastel colors.  ( I have a boy, so this was an activity I rarely get to do)

Using both super glue and hot glue, I glued sturdy magnets on the back of each block.  I really wanted to make sure the magnet was secure because this is for a small child.  After the glue dried, I pulled hard on each magnet to make sure it was on there tight.

I think this turned out really neat.  I am thinking that I need to make a " Boy set" for my son.  I think he would have a blast playing with something like this!


  1. Super cute. This is a really great idea! I would love it if you would come link this up at my Pinworthy Projects Party! I hope to see you there.

  2. Wow, what adorable alphabet blocks. I would still have fun playing with them.

  3. Such a great idea!! Just posted on Craft Gossip, thanks for submitting!!

  4. Such a great idea!! Just posted on Craft Gossip, thanks for submitting!!

  5. This is a really fun idea! We'd love for you to link this up at our party!

  6. Hey there! Just wanted to let you know we featuring you in our Favorite Find Fridays post tomorrow over at Whimsically Homemade. We're using one of your pictures and are linking back to you. If that's a problem let us know and we'll remove it immediately. Thanks for your great inspiration!

  7. Its a great and valuable stuff for kids. Its not only a source of entertainment for them but also a learning tool. I have a lot of stuff like that in my kids' room and I like to let them spending their time with such stuff.


Love to hear your comments!