Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sweet Pepper Lollipops

( Yay for my 100th Post!) 

This afternoon this concept popped into my head.

( And of course I had to photograph this outside with my Iowa backyard in the distance. You know for the dramatic effect.    Sweet Peppers can be very dramatic you know) 

Mini Sweet Peppers in the fridge.  Check. 
Chick Peas and garlic for Hummus in the Pantry.  Check.
Lollipop sticks that just happened to come with my cake pop machine.  Check!  

After spending hours on end watching T.V shows like Iron chef and Chopped, I feel the need to manipulate ingredients into something new all the time.   I wonder if the Chopped kitchen is equipped with lollipop sticks.  If not, it should be.

But really, I became inspired earlier last week when I came home from the store with a bag of mini sweet peppers, and to my astonishment.  THEY WERE SEEDLESS!!!

SEEDLESS??  I was amazed.  If there was one reason why I don't purchase these often was because removing the seeds from every little pepper was such a hassle.  Oh my goodness?  What can I do with these seedless peppers now that I don't have to spend an hour removing the seeds?

Sweet Pepper lollipops are a Great treat!  If you are one of those people who likes to impress people with new and innovative appetizers then these are for you!  Of course, I think of these ideas. Then when I need to make food for various events, I never have time and I end up serving/bringing chips and salsa instead.  

Sweet Peppers and Hummus go very well together.  Also, hummus lasts longer " Out" then mayo  based dips.  

How to Make Sweet Pepper Lollipops

1) Make Hummus

1 can of chick peas
2 cloves of garlic
3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
2 dashes of Sea Salt. 

Mix all the Ingredients above in the food processor and blend until smooth

2) Cut the top off of each sweet pepper

3) With a small spoon, scoop hummus into each pepper.  I found that using a baby spoon works best. 

4) Stick the lollipop stick into the bottom of the pepper.  You will be surprised how easy it fits and stays!

5) Place the top of the pepper back on top.  for the purpose of a visual affect.  

I Love these.  I wish I had a fun reason to display them all pretty.  

I guess its time to have another party.  ( We just hosted a neighborhood party yesterday).  

If you like! you should Pin this below!!!


  1. this sounds wonderful... now I have to find some seedless mini sweet peppers and a place to bring appetizers to:)

  2. I found my seedless mini peppers at Wal Mart of all places

  3. How fun! I've been seeing these mini peppers all over lately and have wanted to use them for something special. Visiting form My Meatless Mondays

  4. I totally thought these were a lollipop - kind of like some tequila ones I've seen with worms in them. Genius. Love this idea!

  5. Creativity at its best which is why it is being featured at My Meatless Mondays. Thanks for sharing this incredible treat.

  6. What a cute idea! I lived in Iowa for a bit - near the Quad Cities! Congratulations on your 100th post :) Thanks for sharing at All My Bloggy Friends last week! I can't wait to see what you share tomorrow! :)

  7. Looks delicious! Would love for you to share this at my link party. Hope to see you there!


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