Sunday, June 10, 2012

Salsa Shrimp Salad

If you read my blog regularly, you know that I have been trying to eat healthier.  I have been attempting new recipes and trying to eat more vegetables.  I think I might try posting more of these recipes I am attempting. ( well I guess it depends on how they turn out. sometimes my lack of following directions can come back to haunt my dinner plans!) 

Last week I made " Salsa shrimp salad".  " Salsa shrimp salad was so full of flavor, that you Don't need any salad dressing with it!

I got the idea of marinating cooked shrimp in salsa from Hungry girl.  She has a shrimp taco recipe. 

My mother and father in law live on a 6 acre lot in Iowa where they grow every organic vegetable you can think of, including several types of lettuce.  Last weekend, when they came to visit, they brought us a large bag of lettuce.  This inspired me to make lettuce wraps and a few new salads for dinners.

Organic lettuce from my in law's garden requires more time for washing then ready made grocery store lettuce, but its worth it!

How to Make "Salsa shrimp Salad"

-  lettuce
-  1 cucumber
-  1 carrot
-  1 avocado
-  2 cups of frozen cooked shrimp with the tail off
-  1 jar of salsa
-  cheese, if desired

1) defrost the frozen shrimp
2) Marinate the shrimp in the jar of salsa for an afternoon in the fridge

For some reason, I LOVE great value salsa.

3) Clean and cut the lettuce and all the vegetables. ( Just use the vegetables that you happen to have around, I am sure your salad will still turn out great!)

4) Assemble the salad, leaving the bowl of Salsa shrimp on the side. As you can see I also have a bowl of cheese on the side.  I usually don't put cheese on my salads, but since I am using no salad dressing, I decided to splurge on some cheese.

Leave the shrimp salsa mixture cold when you take it out of the fridge.

Salsa marinated shrimp is AMAZING! Salsa is a great low calorie condiment to use if you are trying to eat healthier.

This is a salad I will be making again!


  1. The Great Value Corn & Black Bean Salsa is our fav too!

  2. New follower from Artsy Mama. Cute blog ;) Look forward to reading more. Love for you to stop by and follow back ;)


  3. This looks so good! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  4. Wow, this looks delicious! Thanks for sharing on our “Strut Your Stuff Saturday”. Hope you come back next week. -The Sisters


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