Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sprinkle Stencils

This is a tutorial on how I repurposed a cookie cutter into a sprinkle stencil for cake decorating.  

Last weekend I made my husband a birthday cake.  Our family doesn't make big fancy cakes. We usually try to eat healthy, so we don't want lots of extra cake lying around. ( This might change, as our only child has not celebrated his first birthday yet)  I don't have many fancy cake decorating tools, so I made some up with what I had!

I made my husband a Zebra cake with white icing.  A plain white cake would be just a little too boring.  I happened to have a star sandwich cutter.  I used it as a stencil on the cake.

I sprinkled my sprinkles into the inside of the cutter.  ( When I removed the cutter, I then also sprinkled over the line in the middle)

And that is how you repurpose a cookie cutter ( or a sandwich cutter) into a sprinkle stencil!

I like my husbands simple birthday cake!  It looks cute and I didn't have to spend extra money on decorations.


  1. This is actually ingenious! Definitely using it on my next cake!!

    Samara (http://thesecretlifeofsamara.tumblr.com)

    Visiting from Katie's Nesting Spot

  2. What a cute idea! Thanks for the tip!

  3. great tip - love it! newest follower - love you to come visit me too for some more crafty fun! http://partycraftsecrets.blogspot.com.au/

  4. This is such a wonderful idea! We did this for my nephew's cake in the shape of a shamrock cause his b-day is St Patty's day! Yours came out soo cute!
    Thanks so much for joining in the under 300 followers blog hop.. I am your newest follower~

  5. love it! i have a billion cookie cutters - such a cute and easy idea for them and it works with any theme!


  6. Kristen,

    What a fun idea! And with all the different cookie cutters out there, the options are endless!

    I followed you over from the Pity Party linky party. I would love if you stopped by my blog.

    Thanks for sharing,

  7. Ingenious! Love this idea and I have a TON of cookie cutters already. Thanks so much for sharing at Creative Thursday. Have a great weekend.

  8. What a great idea to make a stencil this way, thanks for sharing this tip!!! Your cake looks beautiful! I'm sure it was delicious too!

  9. How cute is this!!!! GREAT idea!!! What a brilliant idea!

    Thanks for sharing at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality!

  10. What a great idea! I love this!!! Thanks for linking it up!


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