Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dessert Corn Pops

Last weekend when I was visiting a friend in Chicago, she asked " So how do you come up with the things you post on your blog?".

" I just make it up" I answered.  And that is true.  But Also true, I am always on the lookout for new and interesting things.  Other people's ideas inspire me to come up with my own.

 I have been trying to think of a way to turn a vegetable into a dessert pretty much all summer.  I have watched too many Chopped episodes where the chefs make amazing desserts with traditionally savory ingredients.

Summer is over for 2012.  But you can still buy fantastic looking sweet corn!  I decided to attempt to bake sweet corn in sugar and cinnamon in order to make a rustic dessert.

How to make Dessert Corn Pops.  


Ears of corn.  1 ear of corn for every 2 people 
1 tablespoon of margarine spread .  I used "I can't believe its not butter" with olive oil 
1 teaspoon of brown sugar
1 teaspoon of white sugar
1 teaspoon of cinnamon 

1) Peel corn
2) Snap each piece of corn in half.
3 Mix margarine spread 1/2 the cinnamon and brown sugar

4) spread the mixture on each piece of corn

4) Wrap each piece of corn in tin foil.  Parchment paper will work too.
5) Bake at 350 F for 30 minutes.
6) on a plate. Mix the white sugar and the other 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon.
7) place a stick into each piece of corn and roll lightly in the cinnamon sugar mixture.

I used my fondue sticks.

All I have to say is " OH MY!" this was so good!  An afterthought would have been to drizzle a little dark chocolate on top.  But not needed.  I think I have found another way to win my husbands heart! ( he is an Iowa native you know. He likes his corn !)

I would like to see something like this at next year's Iowa State Fair.  This might be another great " healthier alternative" to the 2012 fair eats.


  1. The 'sweet' corn looks Absolutely Amazing and so appealing. Sure does look good.
    You come up with the most fantastic ideas.
    (formally from Iowa myself)

  2. This looks like a lot of fun and pretty darn delicious! I do have to say that I bought some Peach&Cream sweet corn at the market the other day that was SO sweet and SO delicious. It didn't even need butter!

  3. Sounds very interesting! Will have to try this one out, so pinned for later!

    I would love to invite you to post this over at my link party on The Purple Pumpkin Blog! Hope to see you there :)

  4. THIS LOOKS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! What a great idea! I'm totally pinning this. But, do I pin it under "Food" or "Desserts"....hmmmm. I'm going with desserts!

    Take care,
    Kelly from Smart! School {House}

  5. I love all things corn and would have never thought to add these kinds of seasonings. Perfect for a BBQ! Pinned!

  6. I never would have thought to make corn a dessert - but this sounds fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing this at All my Bloggy Friends last week. I can't wait to see what you share tomorrow! :)


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