Friday, September 7, 2012

Mom's Mushroom Risotto.

My husband has been in the Netherlands for work this past week for work.  I packed up my son and drove from my home in Iowa to the Chicago area to spend some time with my parents, brothers, , niece and nephews, friends and my new almost sister in law!!

I always have a great time when spending time in the Chicago area.  Starbucks,  the restaurants and Shopping! Oh the Shopping!  

Oh the traffic.  The traffic!!  Then I remember, that I don't shop much and I am happy as can be living in Iowa where I can purchase items on and pick up something from the grocery store in under 10 minutes. Round Trip.  

But really, I enjoy hanging out at my parents house, walking in all the beautiful parks in their neighborhood and I also enjoy my mom's home cooked meals.  I REALLY enjoy my mom's home cooked meals!  She is Italian you know.  ( I guess I am too)  

My favorite dish is my Mom's Mushroom Risotto.  I asked her if we could go through a step by step on how to make it.  She was happy to oblige.  

Mom's Mushroom Risotto with peas.  

1 cup of  Arborio Rice
4 cups Chicken broth 
1 small container of mushrooms 
olive oil 
1 1/2 cups of frozen peas, thawed. 
2 cloves of garlic 
1 shallot  
1 tablespoon Marscarpone  cheese
1/2 cup Parino cheese.  
4 oz of  dry white wine 


1) Chop up shallots and sauté in 2 tablespoons of olive oil until transparent 

2) Add 1 cup of risotto, mixing and stirring constantly until rice is fully coated and transparent.  

3) Add minced garlic and stir.  

4) Add wine and stir.  

5) Every few minutes or so, put a ladle full of chicken broth  into the mixture and stir constantly for a minute. Do not let it dry out.  You want your risotto to have the consistency of a creamy sauce before you add another ladle of chicken broth. repeat constantly until the chicken broth is used up. This process should take about 25- 30 minutes.  Rice should be el dente.  

6) Stir in cooked mushrooms and peas.  We grilled the mushrooms before adding them.  

7) Add a tablespoon of Marscarpone cheese followed by 1/2 cup of shredded Parino cheese.  and stir in. Cheese  should be stirred in after the heat is turned off.  

 8) We served our risotto in a pretty dish with grilled scallops.  When you serve amazing dishes like this, they belong is amazing looking dishes:) 

And that is the lovely Mushroom risotto that I helped my mom make took pictures of!  I would gladly drive in horrid Chicago traffic any day if I could come home to a dinner like this! ( Dad, I am jealous) 

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