Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cucumber Subs

I am always experimenting with new low carb recipes.  Please "like" Make the best of everything on Facebook for new low carb updates!!

Here is another installment in my " eating lighter" campaign.  And I should just state that I am NOT anti bread!  I LOVE bread!  I am just trying to be pro vegetable!

Do you peel your cucumbers?  I sometimes do.  If the skin tastes bitter I will defiantly peel it.  If the cucumber is organic, I will always leave it on.  There is so much nutrients in the skin, that I like to keep the skin on if possible.

And I must say, that after a hard morning workout during this hot summer season, this was an extremely refreshing lunch.  I have always loved cucumbers.  They are so crisp and refreshing.  Have you ever had a cucumber slice on a Triscut cracker?  Now THATS something!

These are the ingredients I chose to use in my cucumber subs.  These are the items I prefer on a sandwich.  Guess what? you don't have to follow my recipe.  Make something you will enjoy!  I happen to be a HUGE fan of both dijon mustard and laughing cow cheese.

Cut your cucumber to make it appropriate for a sub sandwich and scoop out the seeds.  The sandwich fillings will go there!

This was a great lunch.  However, I am not sure I will make them exactly like this next time.  I will either cut the sandwich into smaller pieces before eating it, or I will make this open faced.

Like?  Check out my

 Zucchini Pizza Cups!           or my    Bell Pepper Scoop chips!


  1. Cucumbers are so cooling in the summer - fabulous idea. I think the open-faced idea is better too,...easier to eat. Thanks for sharing at our party this week. (pssst, you know that you have word verification on? just in case you don't I thought I'd mention it).

  2. Just found you via the Live Laugh Linky Thursday. Couldn't help but visit your blog when I saw that pic. What a totally cool idea! I've never seen anything like that, but it looks delish and healthy! Care to link-up on my Healthy Tuesday post I still have up?

  3. Wow, these look delish! I like the idea of using more veggies and less bread, especially in the summer when it's super hot. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday this week. I can't wait to see what you link up next. Have a great weekend.


  4. I bet that's yummy! I'm hosting a linky party "One Creative Weekend" at I'd love for you to visit and link up this idea and/or anything else you'd like to share.

  5. OMG this is great!! Thank you for this share!! I am a bread lover, but I often cut out carbs to be healthier. I am SO sick of using lettuce as bread, I can't believe I never thought of this. Stopping by from the blog hop and I'm SO glad I did. I am now your newest follower:) Hope you can come check out Crazy Mama Drama !

  6. Great idea. Never would have though of this. So healthy. Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party!


  7. I put tuna salad in mine - the extra crunch from the cucumber is a big bonus! I like your lunchmeat version. Have you thought of also using a green bell pepper, like if you were going to go Italian Hoagie (capacola, salami, american cheese, onion, tomato, sweet peppers, lettuce)?

    1. Tuna salad sounds great! Also I think your on to something with the peppers!

  8. well i have to say i have never seen this idea, although i think it is a great one. good for you!

  9. Yay, another lunch idea for work...

  10. Ha! What a great idea to lighten up a sandwich. Would you consider linking this up at my Pinworthy Projects Party? I hope to see you there!

  11. AWESOME!!! I sooo love cucumbers too! I followed you over from Busy Monday on Pinch of Joy. I am pinning this and am going to hit the follow button next. Have a blessed week.

  12. I make something similar all the time. I make mine a little inside out. I spread Laughing Cow cheese on a slice of turkey and wrap spears of cucumber with the turkey. They are a great lunch and my kids love them too!

  13. Love this idea! Now following your blog :) You are welcome to stop by my blog anytime. Have a wonderful week.

  14. my mother will love this she often uses lettuce leaf instead of bread on her sandwiches

  15. Awesome idea! I'm having cucumber week on my blog, Ill have to include this in the post week roundup!

  16. This is such a clever idea! Who needs bread? Please link up to Foodie Friday

  17. I'm loving this idea more and more as I'm reading your post.

  18. Um, yum!! I'm totally doing this!! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Hi! I just shared your picture of cucumber subs on my FB page Oranges and Almonds. I couldn't resist! Great idea - I'm going to make them for lunch right now!

  20. This is such a neat idea! I'd make them with cream cheese and cut them into slices, I think. Perfect for my lunch box.

  21. Oh how I LOVE this idea! I am trying to cut back on wheat products and here's a perfect recipe to add to my list of foods to make! I'd love for you to share this on my Marvelous Mondays party.

    Newest follower via GFC. I'd love for you to check out my blog and follow back if you like what you see. :)


  22. Fantastic idea and perfect for me with my loq carb thing....

  23. So awesome!! I've been doing low carb for months and this would be FANTASTIC!!

  24. Just tried it w/o the mayo/disonaise and it was definitely missing something. But overall not too bad. I'll have to tweak it a bit for some more flavour.

  25. Great idea! Next time use Boars Head meat it is healthier.

  26. I substituted the cheese with cream cheese (cannot get Laughing Cow cheese where I live), and added mashed avocado...better than a regular sandwich! Thanks for the inspiration!

  27. I'm loving these! I first found this on pinterest...and now that I am starting my own blog,I'm already following you to keep me updated if you have more food ideas like this one. :)

  28. English cucumbers great to use!! You NEVER have to peel them!

  29. So glad I came across this recipe. Made one tonight with all the above but used sandwich pepperoni and spinach leaves and it was amazing. So looking forward to what I can come up with next! Thanks for sharing!!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I love this recipe a Cucumber Sub. It looks so refreshing and healthy. It is a great alternative to the typical high calorie carbs like processed breads. It is the perfect sandwich to reduce your calorie intake and incorporate into a healthy diet. Here are some more diet snack options that you will enjoy.

  32. Mix srirachi with mayo for kick and to stretch the mayo out. You could use crab and carrots with this to make it a sort of sushi, since srirachi and mayo is what makes the "spicy" in Spicy California Rolls.


Love to hear your comments!